When habits are changed, new life is born

Apple email that iPhone 6 is ready for pickup


(photo: The smallest of details on the left, the date. Last night at 10:49pm Autumn officially began… and yet it’s New Year’s day)

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Not the salutation we’d expect on January 1, 2015.

Feeling on fire with anticipation today?

That’s the magic of challenging the way we’ve always done things.

Writing this on September 23, 2014, it’s so easy to taste the future yet savor the current moment and the days ahead.

Like double dipping.

Last January 1st, as an experiment in humility, began omitting key words:

I, my, me, or mine.

A major life transition is something we wait for all our lives.

When habits are changed, new life is born

But if we don’t find creative, purposeful ways to change, guess what happens?


A year from now we’ll wish we had started something today.

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